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We live in a world where there is pressure to have all of the answers. Students study for tests so they can get the right answers, and they’re expected to have the answers to what they want to study and what career path they want to pursue. The emphasis is all on the answers, but very little is put on the questions we ask.

We live in a world where, with Google and now AI, the answers are all already out there. If anything, there are too many. There are so many answers that sometimes they conflict with one another and it can be overwhelming. The issue is not a lack of answers, it never has been, but now it’s becoming a problem that there are too many answers, leaving students lost and confused.

How do we cut through the noise? How do we gain direction? How do we navigate this sea of information? What’s the answer to this thing called life?

Questions are the answer.

We’re prioritizing things incorrectly and putting the answers before the questions. We think we need to have all of the answers, but don’t think to ask the questions. 

Questions are the input and what comes out on the other side is our life. I truly believe that the quality of our questions determines the quality of our lives.

What if the way we look at the world is all wrong?

Hi, my name is Teagan.

I’m a curious thinker and lifelong learner. When my head isn’t in a book, I’m usually on some kind of an adventure - hiking, travelling, exploring, snowboarding, rock climbing, skydiving, wing walking, you name it. I’ve been an entrepreneur since I was 9 when I raised money to build a school in Kenya, Africa. When I was 10 I started a card game centred around simple acts of kindness which is in schools around the world and was featured on Dragons Den. I’ve been privileged to have interviewed 40+ individuals who have lived very inspiring lives on my podcast that I hosted and to have spoken alongside some greats like Simon Sinek (Start With Why) and billionaire Naveen Jain. My biggest passion is speaking.

Questions allow us to…

  • Direct our attention in a chaotic world by shining a spotlight on what’s important

  • Discover our strengths, who we are, and even more importantly, who we want to become

  • Live the kind of life that we want to live - the real definition of success

  • Ask for what we want and open the doors to opportunity

  • Learn and grow from our mistakes

  • Break free from limiting beliefs and shift our internal narrative (This one is super important. A study was done around how this relates to students’ grades and the results are outstanding)

  • And so much more 


What do the Wright Brothers, Kobe Bryant, and Albert Einstein have in common?

They all attributed asking tons of questions and their curiosity to their success. Einstein even said that he isn’t any smarter, he just sticks with questions longer. He said that the important thing is to never stop questioning.

In the world we live in, questions are becoming more valuable than answers.

The unfortunate reality is that students often don’t ask themselves the right questions, or pretty much any at all. Far too often, we float reactively through life, not pointing our sails in any one direction.

A Harvard study found that between ages 2 and 5, we ask around 40,000 questions. That natural born curiosity is lost as we get older and the amount of questions we ask drops dangerously close to 0.

Many of us don’t even ask ourselves what we want out of life.

How can we expect to reach any meaningful destination if we don’t point our sails in any one direction?

  • "Masterful storytelling... Teagan is just the kind of person we hope our students look up to."

    • School Principal

  • "Your talk made me cry. I think you've just officially changed my life."

    • Student

  • "Teagan shared many inspiring and thought provoking ideas. He is truly wise beyond his years.""

    • TEDx Facilitator

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Hi! I’m super excited that you’re interested in reaching out to book me to speak at your school or event. Just fill out the form and let’s start the conversation! Also, if you haven’t already, please watch the video below to learn what this talk is all about. I look forward to speaking soon!